Streamlined R Package Loading


Loading packages / libraries in R can be cumbersome when working collaboratively because there is no guarantee that you all have the same packages installed. While you could comment-out an install.packages() line for every package you need for a given script, we recommend using the R package librarian to greatly simplify this process!

librarian::shelf() accepts the names of all of the packages–either CRAN or GitHub–installs those that are missing in that particular R session and then attaches all of them.

Traditional Package Loading

To load packages typically you’d have something like the following in your script:

# Install packages (if needed)

# Load libraries
library(tidyverse); library(scicomptools)

Package Loading with librarian

With librarian::shelf() however this becomes much cleaner! In addition to being fewer lines, using librarian also removes the possibility that someone running your code misses one of the packages that your script depends on and then the script breaks for them later on. librarian::shelf() automatically detects whether a package is installed, installs it if necessary, and then attaches the package.

In essence, librarian::shelf() wraps install.packages(), devtools::install_github(), and library() into a single, human-readable function.

# Install and load packages!
librarian::shelf(tidyverse, NCEAS/scicomptools)

When using librarian::shelf(), package names do not need to be quoted and GitHub packages can be installed without the additional steps of installing the devtools package and using devtools::install_github() instead of install.packages().