Includes count and size data for cutthroat trout and salamanders in clear cut or old growth sections of Mack Creek, Andrews Forest LTER.
A tibble with 32,209 rows and 16 variables:
a number indicating the observation year
a character denoting the coded name of sample area
a character denoting the section in Mack Creek (CC = clear cut forest, OG = upstream old growth coniferous forest)
a character denoting the reach sampled from each section; L = lower reach (0 - 50 meters), M = middle reach (50 - 100 meters), U = upper reach (100 - 150 meters))
a number denoting the electroshocking pass number, either 1 or 2
a number denoting the channel unit number
a character denoting the channel unit classification type (C = cascade, I = riffle, IP = isolated pool (not connected to channel), P = pool, R = rapid, S = step (small falls), SC = side channel, NA = not sampled by unit)
a number denoting the unique index for each vertebrate
a number denoting the unique tag number embedded into vertebrate (tagging started in 2007)
a character denoting species measured
a number denoting vertebrate length in millimeters; total or snout-fork length for trout, and snout-vent length for salamanders
a number denoting snout-tail length in millimeters (for Coastal giant salamander only)
a number denoting vertebrate mass in grams
a character denoting the fin clip type for cutthroat trout, ended in 2006 (LV = left ventral fin; LVRV = left and right ventral fins; RV = right ventral fin; NONE = no ventral fin clip)
a date denoting the date of observation
a character denoting additional comments
Gregory, S.V. and I. Arismendi. 2020. Aquatic Vertebrate Population Study in Mack Creek, Andrews Experimental Forest, 1987 to present ver 14. Environmental Data Initiative. doi:10.6073/pasta/7c78d662e847cdbe33584add8f809165