LTER Information Manager's Manual

A getting started guide

This project is maintained by lter

Site Personnel Lists

[!NOTE] SalesForce database has been deprecated. Personnel reporting continues in Google sheets for now, but is moving to the lternet website. Email Marty for permission to edit google sheets if you don’t have it.


Rather than having an individual simply associated with a site or not, we strive to maintain a record of prior associations and allow multiple simultaneous associations (with different sites, in different roles, and with different institutions) for individuals. This is valuable for understanding how individuals interact with the Network across their careers. To accomplish it, however, we need to update affiliations, (a record of person-site-role-time period) rather than just people’s current affiliation with a site.

Making bulk updates (new July 27, 2024)

Usually, there are a few times a year when many people need to be added at once. Edits to LTER site personnel can be made directly in the LTERHub-ex-im google sheets document. Lead site information managers and designated updaters for each site have read access to the file. Edit permissions will be granted on a sheet-by-sheet basis to one designated updater per site.

[!NOTE] Note that Google sheets, unlike Excel sheets or csv files, save data continuously as they are entered.*

Overall workflow

Individual Updates

For the moment, we are focused on bulk updates. The LNO will announce a new process (and training) for individual updates in the near future.

The API function was part of SalesForce and was rarely used. It has been deprecated temporarily. Once the transition to website updating is complete, we can re-establish it.

Row and Column Descriptions



Specific Use Cases

Once an individual has left the site, please change their “Status (Affiliation)” field to “Former”. If you can make a fair guess at an end year, include that information under “End Year”. If you can’t guess within a year or two, leave it blank.

Detailed Field descriptions and options

A few fields use limited options and will not accept any text other than the below.