Table of units and conversions that the package uses to convert the unit of a user-supplied variable to a standardized unit if applicable. For example, the user can provide bulk layer CN data (lyr_soc) in units of %, g kg-1, mg kg-1, mg g-1, or ug g-1 but these must be standardized to, in this case, % for consistency across data sets. This table holds the conversion factor to convert lyr_soc from a unit other than % to %.
A data frame with 371 rows and 5 variables:
units available to user from key file input
long-name or description of variable
short-name of variable
desired unit for variable
multiplier to convert unit from provided unit (unit_levels) to target unit (givenUnit)
Units conversion is applied as needed to both location and profile data. Initially, the conversion data for location and profile data were pulled from two seprate files (as they are in the source on Google Drive): unitsConversionLocation.rda and unitsConversionProfile.rda. We found, however, that we sometimes put location variables in the profile tab and vice versa, which resulted in those variables not being standardized as the package was looking for profile data in unitsConversionProfile.rda, for example. To address this, the two data tables (unitsConversionLocation.rda and unitsConversionProfile.rda) were merged into a single file (unitsConversions.rda) and the data_homogenization.R script updated accordingly. Ultimately, this approach too was lacking, discovered when we needed to update the agb and bgb units conversions. The update was addressed in the Google Sheet units_translation_table where the units conversion values where initially developed. To synchronize changes between that source, and the pacakge, I added the workflow to create the unitsConversions.rda file to this package as an unexported R file. See units_conversion_update.R in this package.