Sorts hexademical codes retrieved by `palette_extract()` by hue and saturation. This allows for reasonably good identification of 'similar' colors in the way that a human eye would perceive them (as opposed to a computer's representation of colors).
# Extract colors from a supplied image
my_colors <- palette_extract(image = system.file("extdata", "lyon-fire.png",
package = "lterpalettefinder"))
#> {= }
#> {== }
#> {=== }
#> {==== }
#> {===== }
#> {====== }
#> {======= }
#> {======== }
#> {========= }
# Plot that result
palette_demo(palette = my_colors)
# Now sort
sort_colors <- palette_sort(palette = my_colors)
# And plot again to show change
palette_demo(palette = sort_colors)