
Guide to DBeaver

DBeaver is a database manager. DBeaver lets you add rows in its GUI without writing any SQL. This guide walks you through a number of basic tasks commonly encountered in managing LTER-core-metabase.


  1. Install Postgres for Windows using the EnterpriseDB installer.
  2. Install DBeaver.
  3. Run DBeaver and connect to your Postgres instance.

Backup a database to SQL file

  1. In DBeaver, right-click the database and click Tools > Backup.
  2. Select schemas to include and click Next.
  3. For Format, choose Plain.

Optional: You might choose to make the backup without ownership or privilege statements. This makes it easier to restore to a different server. However, note that the user restoring the database from SQL backup will become the new owner.

  1. Place a check next to these boxes:
    1. Do not backup privileges (GRANT/REVOKE)
    2. Discard objects owner
  2. Click Start.

Restore a database from a SQL export

Use these steps to restore a database from a database backup saved as a SQL file, i.e., from a SQL export.

  1. Make a new database: right-click on an existing one and click Create New Database.
  2. Right-click the database and click Tools > Execute script.
  3. Select the SQL file and click Start.
  4. You may need to restart DBeaver to see the schemas and tables.

Import data to a table from CSV

  1. Navigate to a table, right-click on it, then click Import Data.
  2. With CSV selected, click Next.
  3. For Input files, in the Source column, click none to open a file browser.
  4. Browse to the CSV file and click Open.
  5. Click Next and preview the data if desired.
  6. Click Next, Next, and Finish.
  7. Open the table (or refresh the window if the table was already open) to see the data.